
In this episode we’ll be finding out about travelling, on land, and sea. Walk Rousay's circular road with a well-travelled postman, a well-known artist and the fastest man on the island. Hear about shipwrecks and bounties of tea. Hide from the press gangs and travel the peat tracks before you step aboard the steamer and marvel at the arrival of the ro-ro ferry.

Contributors in order of appearance:

Narrator: Prof Ingrid Mainland 2024
Dr Jennifer Harland 2024
Athol Grieve 2023
Ellen Grieve 2023
Alexina Craigie 1966
Ernest Marwick 1966
Frances Roebuck 2024
Chris Gee 2024
Mrs Wylie 1966
Edda Mainland n.d.
Dan Lee 2024
Kath Gourlay 1987
Helen Firth 1987
James Grieve 2024
Eddie Firth 2023
Tom Sinclair 1966
Alistair Marwick 2023
Muriel Marwick 2023

'Blossom Quarry, Rousay', Ian Hamilton Finlay by kind permission of the estate of Ian Hamilton Finlay.

This podcast series was created using material from Orkney Library & Archive, Rousay Remembered, University of the Highlands and Islands Archaeology Institute and contemporary recordings made with the community of Rousay.

Creative team: Produced by Kolekto (Mark Jenkins & Rebecca Marr) and University of the Highlands and Islands Archaeology Institute led by Dan Lee.

New recordings and editing by Mark Jenkins (Kolekto)
New music composed and played by James Watson (Wooden Sole Music)

The project has been funded by Orkney Island Council, Rousay Egilsay and Wyre Development Trust (REWDT), Orkney Archaeology Society (OAS) and North Isles Landscape Partnership Scheme (NILPS).
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